Conflict at the Carrock: Hero Review

It’s that time again! Now we shall be taking a strategic look at the next hero from Conflict at the Carrock. This is one of my favorite heroes, but I will try to give it a non-subjective review.

The Ring-bearer is on the scene, and immediately makes a huge splash in the card pool. With the exception of Eowyn, the Spirit heroes were pretty specific to just a few quests, and are rarely used. Also, Spirit has had a problem with defense. Frodo changes this all. Because he can take as much damage as you want without dying, Frodo becomes the ultimate defender, especially since Spirit decks have a low threat, and therefore room for Frodo to raise your threat. Lets take a look at some of the possible options available to him. Frodo also can quest and then take attacks undefended, in order to

The Galadhrim’s Greeting is an obvious choice, as it effectively allows Frodo to take 6 more damage. Gandalf, as well, can allow Frodo to absorb even more

attacks using his ability.

My next cards that I want to highlight are his potential synergy with Protector of Lorien and Bilbo. Using Bilbo’s card draw, Frodo can boost either his willpower or defense, both of which he uses frequently. The new player card Dunedain warning is also useful, as it boosts his defense, letting him defend without raising threat too much.



Deck Suggestion: Spirit-Lore with Eowyn, Bilbo, and of course Frodo. Taking advantage of the above-mentioned synergies, as well as having Aragorn and Legolas in a supporting deck would really highlight the Hobbit trait as it grows in power, as well as showcasing the new heroes.

Final opinion

Usability: 4/5

Creativity: 4/5

Strength: 5/5

Theme: 3/5

Overall: 4/5

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